It was shuttle on full throttle when I had asked friends over for a bite and chat to bring over their favorite cd, and they with an air of mien, declared they had no cds but opt out for easy weezy i-pod or 2000 track memeory stick, which they were happy to bring over (flashback to 8 tracks similar fate). Clearly music was the primary objective of my guests (put aside pizza and wine) and not the booklet containing the symbolical or at times esoteric graphics, photos, typography or color better left on living room walls.
Decoding Coldplay's X&Y is an article on the current demise of significant album covers, but how the nervy ones left still manage to reach some of us today. Tappin and Gofton's modernist cover depicts the future in the form of binary data and simultaneously reaches backwards to reveal how telegraphists used to communicate similarly through strings of code. Semiotics in X&Y are at play and describe the actual state of an industry and those effected. The result isn't static for album covers however, and those printing presses have rolled on to the computer screens. No doubt just how Chicago on 8 track jogs memories playing over and over the buzz of a fan on a hot Texas night lives on in our (or at least my) collective experience, digital or not.